NCLR Treaties & Agreements Database

We developed the first online collection of Multilateral and Bilateral Treaties involving Kenya. The system was a custom developed web application that uniquely addresses all the requirements of the national Council for Law Reporting as far as updating and managing of the online publications is concerned. It was created using the current web standards and at the same time conforming with the council’s branding allowing users to search for specific treaties using general and advanced search criteria and read or download the specific treaty in a variety of common formats including Word 2003/2007 and PDF.

November 9, 2011

NCLR Treaties & Agreements Database

We developed the first online collection of Multilateral and Bilateral Treaties involving Kenya. The system was a custom developed web application that uniquely addresses all the..Read More
September 20, 2011

Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital

Gertrude’s children hospital is a health care provider for children in Nairobi. In addition it also provides treatment to adults in specific cases. The hospital has..Read More
August 10, 2011

Amkeni Wakenya LKM System

Amkeni learning and Knowledge Management system was designed and developed to be a knowledge repository and knowledge sharing platform for Communities of Practice within the organization...Read More
August 10, 2011

Amkeni Wakenya Website

Amkeni Wakenya is a UNDP Kenya initiative that aims to promote democratic governance in Kenya. Digital Vision EA bid for the website redesign of Amkeni Wakenya..Read More
May 3, 2011

KNIEB Website

Kenya national Insurance Examinations board is the examinations body established by the Insurance Training and Education Trust . Its mandate is to manage all insurance examinations,..Read More
February 10, 2011

Heritage Insurance Intranet

We designed Heritage Insurance using Bitrix Intranet. We automated the Assets register to enable tracking who had been assigned what and the depreciation rates. Heritage insurance..Read More
August 19, 2010

CAFS Website redesign

Center for African Family Studies is an international NGO headquartered in Nairobi. We designed and developed for them a multi lingual website using Pyrocms. Center for..Read More
August 1, 2010

Afralti Website

Afralti website allows for posting of courses online and booking of courses by prospective students. AFRALTI is an inter-governmental organization headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya and serves..Read More
January 1, 2010

Company Registration & Formation

Digital Vision East Africa Limited was formed and registered withe the mission of becoming the best web solutions company in the region.